2025 Rocket Retreat in Tampa, FL
March 23, 2025 4:00PM - 7:00PM EST
Yacht StarShip Private Dinner Cruise
603 Channelside Dr.
Tampa, FL
(419) 530.4008

The University of Toledo Foundation and UToledo Alumni Association cordially invites you to a private dinner cruise on the StarShip yacht in Tampa, FL.
We will set sail at 4 p.m. on March 23, 2025.
Registration is $20 per person and includes a dinner buffet and open bar.
This dinner cruise is an excellent opportunity to make new connections, expand your network, and learn about the exciting developments and initiatives at the University.
Guests are encouraged to park at the Port Tampa Bay Parking Garage for $6 per vehicle. Guests must bring their parking ticket when boarding for it to be validated and reimbursed by UToledo.
The dinner buffet features Caesar salad, cheese-stuffed chicken breast with tomato basil sauce, seared mahi mahi with mango chutney glaze, roasted potatoes, vegetables, and a selection of chef's choice desserts. We will have an open bar for a portion of the cruise. There will be iced tea and coffee provided as well. We look forward to celebrating with you!
For assistance, please contact any of the people listed below